Tuesday, 17 July 2018
Sunday, 15 July 2018
Is North Korea On the path of Progress?
North and South Korea are divided
by 38TH parallel line
because when Japan surrendered in Aug 1945 the 38th parallel was established
as the boundary between soviet and American occupation zone and roughly
dividing the Korean peninsula. North Korea is a nation in the Korean peninsula
has a very different image to the rest of the world as a country. There is
propaganda going on in the favor of government.
Thursday, 12 July 2018
Monday, 9 July 2018
SSB Lecturette series: India Nepal Relations 2018
India and Nepal both countries
having friendly relationship with each other. India has supported Nepal
economically and socially whether it is any natural calamity or any assistance.
There is no requirement of visa if anyone wants to enter Nepal and also so many
nepali nationals are working in Indian army.