
Sunday, 12 April 2015

Ten Tips every SSB Aspirant must follow

There have been a lot of topics on GD and lecturette on our blog where different mentees of mine and other aspirants are helping spread a word for aspirants to succeed in their goal of serving the nation. I have been seeing a lot of myths in and around the internet and knowing that majority of people seek guidance through this mode I thought of sharing quick tips of success at SSB. SSB is all together a different method of examination where one is assessed psychologically of whatever he or she do in different forms and then they are recommended for the Indian defense forces. So certain things that you should essentially follow are mentioned. See where you score out of 10 here !!
Prepare for SSB  with us

1) Challenge your limits : There is no limit to human personality and one can achieve whatever he or she wants. the thing is that all the forces should be channelized in proper direction and if this is followed diligently no power can stop you. In-fact everyone has the OLQ's and just the rectification in their degree needs to be done to get selected. So if you have the potential why to waste it.

2) Push your everyday routine beyond imagination : If you will make a routine that can be easily followed you will only achieve goals that every ordinary persona can achieve. If you want starts or wing on your shoulder you have to work really hard as their are certain things that are required for this profession. So under the expert guidance prepare your schedule and get yourself tested to know your real potential. You have the real power, just you need to realize that.

3) Be tough n Lean, exercise regularly: this will keep you fit and mentally strong which will support you in tough time. Also this is a quality which is looked at SSB, so design things properly.

4) Make Commitment for stronger self: Once the commitment is made  don't listen to yourself even to break it. An officer loves to follow what they ay so be one from now. Decide things and follow it like anything and then see the magic of change that will surround you.

5) Gain confidence by increasing size of your database: Knowledge is power and this is the reality in this competitive world. You should be aware of the general happenings in and around the world. That will show how diligently you love your motherland.

6) Enjoy every moment of life > Even failures: Life is full of pleasures but not always. Not everyone is born with a silver spoon where desires are completed even before thinking.  there is really no substitute to hard work, so don't get back and keep doing. Realize the limit of yours and every day break your own records in each and everything you do.
Prepare for SSB  with us

7) Proper management of time: This is the most essential step to mention as if someone learnt this he can win any war. SSB is just a small battle where you need to know yourself fully and revisit your life properly. Prepare psychology well and pay emphasis to personality development. Recommendation is the default result of these things.

8) Seek proper guidance > Find a MENTOR: the essential step for everyone. the early you find the early you make your life easy. there should be one from whom you can seek guidance any time and for anything in life. Test the mentor properly as everyone cannot be made a mentor. The mentor should be someone whom you want to follow and can rely on for important things of life. even a good friend can be a mentor.

9) Positive feeling: Failures will be there but do not get shattered, rather learn from mistakes get back with more intensity. this is the success mantra for life. So always keep feeling positive , this will help you channelize your energy.

10) Never getting distracted: there are many things and changes that happen. Some are because of society and some are changes in body . Control yourself and ask for guidance from mentor whenever needed. If distraction can be saved you will be tracing the path of success and will always win. Keep yourself away from what society feels and what myths say.

Above are few of the guidelines that can help in a good start for SSB. Start following them and see how close you will be to your dream. Follow us for such articles and subscribe for getting email notification, so that you don't miss on any important notifications. Keep updated with the blog and post your queries for immediate resolution. Visit Contact us section.


  1. These all tips motivate all SSB aspirants who want to join defence.

    1. Thanks a lot... keep reading for more and share the same with other friends and defense aspirants
