
Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Success factors for performing well in AFCAT Exam

AFCAT is the gateway to many dreams who wish to see wings in their life. This is the exam which provides the opportunity to get in to the prestigious Indian Air force. Clearing this hurdle only the successful aspirants would be called for SSB which itself is a battle. The written exam consists of about 100 questions which are chosen from diverse backgrounds to test general awareness, English, logical reasoning, aptitude etc. 

The preparation for all these is needed as there are no fixed questions that come from the section and the average number of question varies every time the exam is conducted. Adding to this AFCAT has been clubbed with EKT also where one need to give a technical paper based on their specialisation in graduation. This has been recently introduced last year so that one can easily be called for Technical entry. The aspirants who give EKT and clear it will only be eligible for the technical branch. Rest who clears AFCAT will be eligible for other branches of Air force. Also the answers are needed to be filled on the OMR sheet specially designed for the purpose. Few handy tips for this coming AFCAT can be:
  • The exam is based on aptitude, GK, English comprehension and Air force specifies a syllabus for the same for AFCAT exam so preferably follow it and prepare accordingly.
  • General knowledge can be rewarding and hence prepare deep into it. It can include general knowledge, latest events happening in India and around. Though the syllabus for GK cannot be bounding but it has to be done sincerely as it can be rewarding in terms of score and helps in clearing the cut-off.
  • Number of candidates can be increasing as competition is increasing day by day and one has to ensure that they are above the cut-off as this is the only way to get through SSB apart from CDS.
  •  Negative marking scheme can impact your selection so you have to ensure that you only opt for the right questions and bluffing is to be minimized. Also work with a strategy of reviewing the whole paper so that any of your favorite area is not missed out.
  • Time management has always been a success key for all and it’s here also the same. So one has to manage those hours properly as time flies away quickly and proper management can help in good scores.
Click here to read : All you need to know about Indian Air force
Also read : Difference between AFSB and SSB

Hope this helps in starting your preparation as you have still about a month for the exam so prepare well. Still If you have any confusion drop in a personal mail to my id which can be taken from contact us section. If you want frequent updates you can connect us on facebook group of ours and always be full with info, or add me on Fb and drop in a message. It would be a pleasure to help and resolve queries and clear doubts which are more often myths that are present in the mind. Enter this gateway successfully as it will bring you close to your dreams. All the best and keep reading for more tips.


  1. sir is there any sectional cutoff in afcat exam just like cds ( 20 % minimum in each subject)

  2. Sir can u highlight the important topics through which I can go through...

    1. Please complete your query. This is asked in which regard?

  3. Sir does written marks of cds play any role in final merit
