
Saturday, 5 September 2015

Is Language a barrier in SSB - English or Hindi ?

I have been asked quite often by the aspirants about this question. Which language to use and what not to use. Is language the criteria for making the selection? What if I use Hindi or English? What if I use English frequently but suddenly use some of Hindi or what if I am comfortable and confident in speaking Hindi only. 
SSB Vision

Do officers look language in GD or PI? So I thought of addressing the issue on the common platform. See let me make you clear that in SSB only OLQ’s are administered as thy only believe in seeing the officer potential one has. Once that has been proved it’s easy to get in. To prove the potential one has to know you clearly. So nothing like practicing a lot or anything the first step should be to realise the true self and then comes the practice.

Now if you see the OLQ list communication is the part of it, so it becomes essential to be descent in it. Those who have been from backward background or have been studying in the regional boards will say that we are weak in English, but let me tell you that this factor is already registered in the PIQ and the officers are there to take care of all this. So the aspirant need not worry for this and let the assessors take care of this thing. So you should be free of this tension as of now.

Now though the rules at SSB allow using Hindi and English only as a language but preferably English should be used. This has a very specific reason because one should realise that in SSB people from all over India visit and get recommended, so everyone should understand what is happening at SSB. If you speak Hindi, people from some part of the country might not be able to understand it and might miss the conversation. So in GD and other such exercises English becomes sort of mandatory, so that everyone should be involved. So preferably one should always try to use English and even if you use Hindi come back to English as soon as possible. Though this might not play a determined role in selection because if you prefer using it, can bring good results.
SSB Vision

Hope all your queries have been sorted and now you have a better understanding of what to use. Speaking English is not a big issue and it can be developed in months even if you don’t have fluency in that. Still If you have any confusion or feel to take individual assessment of personality for OLQ’s or prepare from your place itself through one to one interaction through my mentoring / counselling program drop me a mail at or add me on Fb and drop in a message. SSB is all about yourself so prefer working on your personality and psychology aspects as it depends on many factors few of which are in your control and rest are not there. So start working and achieve your dream quickly.


  1. Respected sir I'm a soilder I m preparing for sco sir I trying to write the stories but sir I m getting at the point means the story I m writing I m not getting satisfied with it. And sir I m always thinking to write a story with a good collection of action but sir I won't understand from we're should I start it. It takes more time and it goes very leangthy. And sir wat I should think I don't no I m not clear abt the story every time I have to think wat I m writing I m not sure if it sir pls clear my issue and tell me wat should I do for it

    1. Try to prepare for your goal in the right direction by doing self introspection first and once you know your profile clearly , the reflection can happen
