
Thursday, 19 November 2015

SSB Experience Series: Recommended from 18SSB Allahabad TGC-122 : Part 2

In first part of this series we saw how I performed and did various rounds. Lets move ahead with my journey that converted my dream into a reality.
The best thing about SSB is the Group Task Series! The first task is Group Discussion. Listen more talk sense, give valid points and support valid points, reinforce them, avoid altercations with other candidates and you’ll sail through smoothly. It does not matter how much you speak, the quality of what you speak matters the most.3-4 times will do the trick.
Click here for SSB Experience Series: Recommended from 18SSB Allahabad TGC-122 : Part 1
Also read: Seven Success mantra for SSB

For the group task if you have the leadership quality in you and the good problem solving capabilities you’ll naturally know how to tackle them. Enjoy the tasks and you will make it. GOR (Group obstacle race) Coming first is not the theme but moving together and helping each other is the purpose. Lecturette, if you are sync with your group mates you’ll be comfortably able to speak to them as you stand there for your Lecturette never look at the assessors. Be confident and this comes to you naturally if you are good friends with your batch mates. Camaraderie should run deep if you don’t have this basic OLQ I feel army is not meant for u buddy.

Day 4
This day was my favorite day as we were taken to perform in the individual obstacle tasks. I did eleven tasks and repeated Tarzan Swing. The main strategy here is you stamina and the sequence in which you select the obstacle you want to do first.
Next were HGT and the command tasks. I did it well with the help of my two sub ordinates. Our group’s FGT was not that good, as everyone was fighting among themselves and suggesting their own ideas which were obviously, conflicting. I had a bad feeling that this might have a negative effect on our group’s performance. 

Click here to join our FACEBOOK GROUP : SSB VISION
Read: How to perform well in Self description round of SSB? 

Conference Day
Each one of us tidied up for the conference. We waited for our turns to come. My turn came. It was a pleasure seeing every officer suited up in their respective uniforms but I focused on my IO the president who sat in the middle. He asked me about my stay and accommodation’s, to which I answered, “The place is good and the stay here was too good.” He asked me to leave I said thank you and left.

The Psychologist office came and gave a pep up speech and ready to announce the result.
Heartbeat raised up with the time officer was taking to open the file for result list and suddenly looked upward towards the candidates and said gentlemen please stand up whose chest number I will call and come forward.
Next he said, “Ok gentlemen (looking towards us just like finding someone missing in big crowd) calling Chest Number One Five Fifteen, I said yes sir and stood up.

Officer: “Your name?” 
Me: Akash sir
Officer: Full name
Me: “Akash Kumar Sir,’
Officer:  come forward.

Numb, I was. I was so surprised that I couldn’t feel much
I stood there and waiting for the next name but officer said
“This is it,” he said and left.
I was on cloud nine! I was the only one recommended.
I felt sad because I met many gem of a people out there at the SSB made friends who would’ve made it but fell short due to some or the other things, I felt sad for them.

But, in the end I made it and trust me it was the best feeling in the world.

 Medical day:
Make sure you are full filling all the medical standards what they looked for in a candidate to meet their requirements (You can check it out on Internet for the same)
For me it went well I was medically fit thanks to almighty god and my regular exercise in day to day life despite of busy working schedule but few of my friends who were their recommended for different entries like SSC tech, NDA and TES got TR (temporary rejection) in medical exam like Valgus, Hypertension, DNS, wax in ear
Medical took 5 more days after SSB.


Clich here for : Secrets of OLQ? Do you have it?
Also read: SSB Lecturette series: Law of Encryption

Set your document folder with what SSB center have asked you for in SSB call letter, don’t miss out anything. Be ready with all the dresses what they have asked (GTO, Formal, Shoes) A well-dressed men with good behavior is gentleman and that’s what they demand for, Read medical standards carefully.
Fill your PIQ with only what you actually are no fakeness nothing extra would work out, if you don’t write any extra achievement also they won’t reject you if you have it in you, Your interview will be based on your PIQ.
I focused on internet material and books only just to get aware of the dos and don’ts of the process
Listen to the instructor very carefully.
Self-introspection, confidence, smiling/calm face throughout the SSB process and an average English is good enough you to achieve your goal to become an officer and serve for your country.
It’s not about winning by defeating other candidates, It’s about winning with your own personality so be calm in GD’s and any other group exercise.
Work on your physical and mental shortcomings much prior to SSB if you have noticed one.
Overweight, underweight, hypertension, wax in ear, DNS are common on which one could get TR, make sure to treat them before SSB or else one can appeal to command or RR hospital within 42 days.
A man who misses his opportunity, and monkey who misses his branch, cannot be saved, Remember if opportunity knocks your door, Welcome it with your open hands and give your best shot. 

I would like to thank Jayendra Pratap Singh (SSB vision) for sharing success stories from 
all over India which helped and motivated me and other aspirants to get aware of the whole process and recommended candidates experience too.
All the best to all!!

See you in Academy J

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About the Author:

Akash Kumar is a CSE engineer working in software industry placed in Chennai. He got recommended in his second attempt, being screen out in first. Through this article he would like to help other defense aspirants to achieve their goal.

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