
Tuesday, 15 March 2016


E=mc2, the famous equation of Albert Einstein, which was proposed by him in 1905 has been challenged. One of the most significant and well established equations of physics, the principle of which was used in the atomic bomb explosions on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, has been challenged for its incorrectness by Ajay Sharma, a Shimla based researcher.
To get an understanding of the whole scenario, let’s first understand what this equation is all about. The mass-energy equivalence equation, E=mc2 which explains the relationship between mass and energy, states that mass and energy are equivalent i.e. every mass has energy and every energy has mass and can be changed into one another. This equation has been questioned, for its inadequacy for using limited parameters while proposing, by the Indian researcher who is quite famous for critically analyzing the established works in the domain of physics. In his view, the Einstein theory has not been mathematically derived, rather it has been speculated. 

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Einstein initially derived L=mc2, a light energy mass conversion equation and later replaced L by E, assuming that the equation which is true for light energy will be true for every energy. This is the loophole in the whole theory that Mr. Sharma is pointing to. There should be firm evidence to prove what has been stated as far scientific theories are concerned. According to him, the derivation of the original equation, L= mc2, is in itself incomplete. This equation is true only under special conditions of parameters involved namely-number of light waves, magnitude of light waves, angles at which they are emitted and their relative velocities-to name a few. He used only one such possibility where two light waves of equal energy were emitted in opposite directions with uniform relative velocities. But there are numerous other possibilities available. In case the equation is tested against all these possibilities, then the results will be contradictory experimentally.  

In his book, Beyond Einstein and E-mc2 which has been published by Cambridge International Science Publisher, Mr. Sharma has also mentioned that Einstein was not the original propounder of this theory, instead his work was picked up from the works of scientific literature of other scientists and it was also not peer reviewed. He has proposed a revised equation of E=Amc2 where A is the coefficient of proportionality. 
He has proposed that this is a general equation whose special case is E=mc2. According this new equation, the energy emitted will be less than, equal to or greater than that predicted by the Einstein’s equation. He thinks this equation completes the Einstein’s equation as it includes all the test scenarios and hence should replace the original one.

The claims of Mr. Sharma have been captured in the international journals which are being analyzed. In case his claims get verified and accepted, they may turn Einstein into a passé professor.
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About the Author:

Arshdeep Kaur is an Electronics and Communication Engineer who is working in one of the leading MNCs in Bangalore. Born and brought up in Delhi, she is exploring her interests in the areas of writing

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