
Friday, 7 October 2016

Get ready for INDIAN ARMY SSC(T)–48 and SSCW(T)-19 SSB : Cutoff declared

Finally the wait is over for the defense aspirants for Indian army. Though the cutoff has been increased for TGC entries this time due to increasing popularity for defense forces and stiff competition and it was disheartening for many aspirants. But I am sure after seeing the list for SSC -(T)-48/SSCW(T)-19  many aspirants will be happy to see their names in the list as this is the first hurdle and after their names and center is allotted they are one step closer to their dream destination.
SSB Vision

This entry is usually for the Short service commissioning with the Indian army. Once the person is selected and issued the joining letter they are called for training to the OTA- Chennai and after commissioning they are allowed to serve for 14 years. There might be an extension in service based on service requirements and performance of the officer.

Click here to read: Super tips to crack SSB

SSC entries are also receiving entries like anything and the Army HQ has decided to vary cut-off as per the engineering branch stream. This cut-off is decided based on many factors at their discretion. The cut-off list branch-wise for present entry is:

·         Civil 65%
·         Mechanical 75%
·         Electrical/Electrical & Electronics 65%
·         Aeronautical 60%
·         Comp Sc /Info Tech 67%
·         Electronics & Telecom 65%
·         Electronics /Opto Electronics 60%
·         Industrial 65%
·         Automobile 65%
·         Metallurgical 65%
·         Electronics & Instrumentation 70%
·         Architecture 60%
·         Food Tech /Bio Tech 65%
·         Chemical 65%
·         Production 65%
·         Remote Sensing 65%
·         Transportation 65%
·         Laser Tech 65%

·         Civil 70%
·         Mechanical 70%
·         Electrical/Electrical & Electronics 75%
·         Electronics & Telecommunication 80%

Aspirants are requested to login and select their SSB dates for SSB Interview latest by 18 October 2016.
SSB Vision

For aspirants knowledge let me help them in analyzing the competition that they need to face this time. Trust me now the competition is not at all easy as its growing fierce day by day. So get ready to face it and don't wait for the last moment for the SSB dates and then you will start preparing the Center allocation list is released and the SSB dates needs to be finalized. So start preparing for SSB immediately. SSB is all about personality and psychology so prepare accordingly. The statistics for the competition is as follows (with approximate assumed values):

·         Total number of candidates shortlisted for the entry:  About 20000
·         Total candidates called at Allahabad Centre:  About 9000
·         Total candidates called at Bhopal Centre: About 5000
·         Total candidates called at Bangalore Centre: About 3500
Total candidates called at Kapurthala Centre: About 2500
·         Total seats available for  Men: 150
·         Total seats available for  Women: 20

Few more statistics to reveal the competition at this SSB:
·                     Aspirants called to report on single day at Allahabad -1000 to 1100
·                     Aspirants called to report on single day at Bhopal -800 to 1000
·                     Aspirants called to report on single day at Bangalore -700 to 900

  • Aspirants called to report on single day at Kapurthala -400 to 500

 Click here to read: SELF introspection - Technique for success at SSB
Also read: Know about your selection centers of SSB
Click here to join our FACEBOOK Page : SSB VISION
So you can clearly see the competition, as the seats available are limited and there will be a fight of about four hundred aspirants fighting for capturing one seat in the academy. So get ready to face the competition. SSB is all about personality revealing and positive psychology and these things take time for improvement, so it will be my suggestion to the aspirants to start their preparations immediately, so that their dream can be achieved in time. Self-introspection is the best technique to realize oneself and know the strengths and weakness. It should always be done with respect to OLQ's and once that psychometric profiling is done you are ready to apply things and reflect your own personality in the exam. Don't try to copy others as it might not work for you. You can mail your doubts if any, directly to me at

Click here to know more about MENTORSHIP Program

Follow us to receive updates for different entries, list, and important tips for SSB through the button at the bottom of the page and subscribe for our email notification from the option available at the right side to get recent updates directly to your inbox. Also SSB Vision team welcome the updates and are always ready to fulfil the requirements of aspirants, so keep us posted by visiting our contact us section. Also any queries can be posted in comments and we will make sure to answer all of them.


  1. what is the difference between technical and non technical entries, and tell me if a person got recommended from tech entry then is he got chance to choose infantry after successful completion of training

    1. These entries are based on the qualification criteria for the aspirants to appear as per their educational background. One needs to seve the different units based on the choice, availability and performance, so dnt wrry abut all this n work on to get there

  2. Replies
    1. Keep wrking for your goal and make urself ready for serving the nation.I wud be pleased to help in this regard.
