
Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Cutoff and admit card released for Indian Coastguard 02/2017

The Indian Coast Guard is a multi-mission organization, conducting round-the-year real-life operations at sea. Despite being relatively small, it has a wide range of task capabilities for both surface and air operations.

The organization is headed by the Director General Indian Coast Guard (DGICG) exercising his overall command and superintendence from the Coast Guard Headquarters (CGHQ) located at New Delhi. At CGHQ, he is assisted by four Deputy Director Generals of the rank of Inspector General, and other senior officers heading various staff divisions.

For effective command and control, the Maritime Zones of India are divided into five Coast Guard Regions, namely, North-West, West, East, North-East and Andaman & Nicobar, with the respective Regional Headquarters located at Gandhinagar, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata and Port Blair. The Coast Guard Regions are commanded by Officers of the rank of Inspector General.

Assistant commandant posts 02/2017 are one more opportunity for our young officers who are desperately waiting to serve the nation. Indian coast guard released vacancy for Assistant commandant post. Once you join the Coast Guard fraternity, you start earning from day1. The newly appointed officer will be placed in Pay Band-3(Rs.15600-39100) with Grade Pay Rs. 5400/- along with other benefits applicable to officers.

As the youth of the country is getting mad for joining the forces and they have a special wish to serve the nation, the cut-off for direct entries of various defence forces is increasing day by day. Please note that for this entry: 67% is the cut-off percentage in degree marks for General and OBC category for GD, GD(P) & TECH (MECH / ELECT) branches.

Few other important points to be noted are:
·         Preliminary selection board (PSB) is scheduled from 6th Jan 2017 onwards.
·         The reprint of admit card for asst comdt 02/2017 gd/tech branches will be opened till 30 dec 16 at 1700 hrs.
  • ·         The reprint of admit card for asst comdt 02/2017 law branch will be available from 31 dec 16 to 05 jan 17 till 1700 hrs 

Please note that though PSB is similar to screening process but it has two level of elimination. One after the aptitude is conducted and the other after the PPDT exercises. Those who clear the Apti round are eligible for PPDT and once aspirants clear this round the call for FSB is made only to those who are recommended at this level.  The FSB will be the final selection board similar to 5 day SSB process with minor changes. The aspirants should start the preparation now at this level as the aptitude level here is bit difficult and properly timed questions are provided. So to become the part of the “White fleet” one need to really work hard for clearing the PSB.

Click here to join our Facebook group : SSB Vision

Also note that in PPDT here a blurred picture is shown and the story that one writes is really important for selection . So aspirants should practice the stories under proper guidance and should reflect their officer potential. After that the individual narration becomes very important for selection and these are the things that can be practiced effectively only under the right supervision. So start now and don’t wait fpor the last moment. We will soon publish how to prepare for PSB, so keep yourself updated and enrol for email notification so that you don’t miss any updates.


  1. sir i m shortlisted on 17 jan, but i want to change the date, suggest me the procedure to change of date
