
Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Seven tips to perform well in SSB Interview

Time is changing and so is SSB interview. Though the old age process still continues but new trends are seen in SSB interviews now a day. Everyone knows that SSB interview is a scientific process designed after research to judge the suitability of a candidate for serving the nation in various defense forces. The forces look for fifteen officer like qualities in the candidate.
Interview Tips

Each quality is verified through different measures and tests and reconfirmation is also done. One needs to be consistent in thought process to get recommended. SSB vision has been publishing tips and tricks regularly for various rounds of SSB. In this article we will be focusing on interview tips and tricks for success. Following are the mantras:

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1) Always give to the point answer: One should not linger long for answers covering the history and the future. To the point answers are always appreciated by all and helps the interviewer to analyse the personality properly. Keep the goal of serving the nation in mind and the personality profile that you get after self introspection and then design and practice all the answers for the expected questions. This way you will be a bit prepared to handle the stress situation. Rapid fires are specially asked in defense to judge certain qualities and one need to clear them successfully for recommendation. 

2) Learn the art of driving the interview: Giving interview is an art and the interviewee should be an expert in driving the interview rather than getting it driven by the interviewer. In mentorship program we usually teach these skills and the art of driving the interview where one handles the way  of giving answers so that only those things are asked which you know and you are best at. If the interview is left to the interviewer then he can touch any aspect of your life in general which  needs a tough preparation. 

3) Think and speak: There are multiple traps that the interviewer will build for you to assess the personality in SSB. They will be your good friends and would try to conceal information for making the right decision. Always remember to speak the reality so that there is no misconception in terms of personality in the mind of interviewer. Never speak a lie else you will be caught badly as the assessors sitting there are experts of their field. If it happens that you cannot hear any question properly , always remember to ask them back and don't hesitate. Confident answers are given in situations where one don't know the answer. Even apologies for the same should be asked in confidence.

4) Positive body language : Always work on this during your preparation time as it speaks and stands for half the time about your personality. The words you speak might not have that impact which can be created by body language. One need to work on body language to make it positive. If needed take help of experts for improvement in this field. It includes body posture, hand gestures, eye movement, facial expressions, tone , vocals etc. All together these things describe majority of your personality.

5) What you speak should reflect what your PIQ mentions and does not speak: Your PIQ creates a impression and an image of your personality in front of the interviewer even before you don't enter and meet him/her. So its essential that your PIQ should contain all the things that you have and have done in your life as each thing shows your quality. The image that is formed by the interviewer should match in real with what you present there by speaking and if that happens one is recommended without doubt. So prepare PIQ carefully  by doing proper self introspection as that technique is the best one to prepare for SSB. That also helps in digging the elements that you might have forgotten with the flow of time. PIQ needs to have everything you have done in your life.

6) Good general awareness: This should be updated frequently during preparation as this is a much needed quality of an officer. You must read newspaper regularly and follow good blogs. This will not only help you in interview but in many other rounds of SSB like GD's, lecturettes, WAT, etc.

7) Talk real: Always taking in air might make hings light for you as one need to prove his/her worth through the actions and not just the words. Elaborate where ever needed to prove the things. Self introspection technique helps one review his/her life fully from birth till date and one can figure out incidents that proves ones mettle. So why shouldn't you speak that and get the reward.

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  1. What are the factors that one should have or learn for developing personality?

    1. The first step for this preparation can be doing self introspection, where one understand his/her life based on past and present and makes a personality profile comprising of OLQ and the weak areas. Once done it becomes easy to reflect the reality in SSB

  2. Thanks for 7 Tips for SBB interview, Please share more about SSB Interview Process.

  3. Your ability to simplify complex concepts is truly impressive. You have a knack for making the complicated seem manageable. Also read our Blog Post - SSB Interview
