
Tuesday, 24 January 2017

FSB of Indian coastguard

The Indian Coast Guard is a multi-mission organization, conducting round-the-year real-life operations at sea.  Despite being relatively small, it has a wide range of task capabilities for both surface and air operations. The craze for this force is also increasing in the youth which was evident when the applications for the Assistant commandant were rolled few months back. The continuously increasing cut-off shows the love of youth for this force.

The selection procedure for Indian coastguard in in two phases. Once the applications are filled and the shortlisting happens based on cut-off, Aspirants need to face the following:
1)      PSB – Preliminary selection board – This is just like the screening round of SSB which a slight change in format. A detailed article is there for the aspirants which will be helpful in preparation. Read that for details. Click here to read.
2)      FSB – Final selection board – This is the final stage of exam where only those appear who get recommended in the PSB. The FSB of Indian coastguard is almost similar to SSB for defense forces with slight modifications. One need to again show 15 OLQ (Officer like Qualities) here to get recommended and move to the next stage of medicals. Let’s see what happens in the FSB and the structure of it here.

The FSB starts with document verification for the candidates. The authorities are very particular about the documents so one is advised to carry all the relevant documents to the centre before  appearing else they might not be allowed to appear for the exam. After document verification the introduction of the force and the work they do is given followed by PIQ form filling. The FSB happens for all the candidates across India at Noida only where the command office of selection exist. The board provides flexibility to the aspirants to stay in the board or to make their own arrangements of fooding and lodging. The same would be charged. This is what happened till date because of budget constraints. The same would be changed and would soon become as it happens at SSB.

The first test would be the Psychology test which comprises of TAT, WAT,SRT and SD. The process and the time limits are exactly same as that of SSB and the detailed information of these rounds is available on SSB Vision blog. One should however remember that they should do self-introspection properly as performance in this round matters a lot. Only after proper self-introspection one can give their best as it provides the way to reflect aspirants personality and is no doubt the best technique available for FSB preparation.

The interview starts on Day 1 itself and aspirants should be prepared for it. The interview section is based on the branch applied for. Following would be judged in interview:
·         Personality based questions
·         Personal Life study
·         General awareness and General knowledge
·         Technical aspect

The GTO for SSB is followed after the psychology day. Its almost the same and comparatively easy as there are no ground tasks here, so its an opportunity for aspirants who might not be good in ground have opportunity to do well. GTO will be having two moderate level GD’s with topics ranging from General awareness/ latest happenings around the country. It will be followed by group planning exercise and the Lecturette. Once all the rounds happen the aspirants get ready for the last day of Conference. The conference process is also the same as it happens at SSB where all the assessors discuss about the aspirants and recommend or reject the candidate.

This is a overall process of FSB which will last for 5 days at the center, Its comparatively easy as compared to SSB as there are less rounds in FSB but the disadvantage here is that one need to prove the potential in less rounds only. So get ready and earn your White now!!.

The FSB list for group 1 02/2017 entry has been released recently where the FSB starts in the first week of Feb. So gear up guys!
Click here to see the FSB List for 02/2017 entry - Group 1 reporting on 5 Feb
                                                                                    Group 2 reporting on 12 Feb
                                                                                    Group 3 reporting on 19 Feb
                                                                                    Group 4 reporting on 26 Feb
                                                                                    Group 5 reporting on 5 Mar
                                                                                    Group 6 reporting on 13 Mar
                                                                                    Group 7 reporting on 19 Mar
                                                                                    Group 8 reporting on 26 Mar

No more lists are expected to come as per the information on website. Please refer official website for more information.

Click here to read: Join Indian Coastguards Assistant Commandant - 02/2017

Click here to join our facebook group and be updated with happening in defense : SSB VISION


Hope you liked this information. If you feel the need of any other information related to this do write to us and we would provide the same without delay. Keep working for your goal. Next article in this series is on how to work for FSB. Keep reading!!

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