
Wednesday, 4 January 2017

General Awareness Series: Happening around the globe

A new series of SSB Vision where we will update the defense aspirants with the latest happenings across the globe, because general awareness forms an important part for many written exams and also in SSB for the interview. This can even provide the feed to the group discussion , hence everyone preparing for SSB must be updated. Lets see what happened till date in January
SSB Vision

1. Prime minister Narendra modi attended 104th Indian science congress held in Tirupathi at Sri venkateswara university.
·         He urged institutions to strengthen their basic research and global standards and transfer basic knowledge into innovations, start-ups to achieve inclusive and sustainable growth.
·         60 noble prize winners,1200 scientists and scholars were taken part in it and it is the second time in tirupathi after,1983.

Click here to read: All you need to know about INDC

2. Indians tallest sky tower to come upin vizag which is 1200mtrs from sea level that will withstand wind speed of 300km.
3. Indian naval ship darshak completed hydro graphic survey in Mauritius.
·         Its objective of preparing and publishing two new charts of Mauritius waters as per enhanced charting scheme agreed between India and Mauritius
4 .5.7 magnitude earthquake hit India’s north eastern region (agartala,gauhathi,shilong),  Bangladesh on 3rd Jan
5. There should no race among lawyers to become judges outgoing chief justice of India t s thakur said.
6. Karnatakas cooperation and sugar minister h.s mahadev prasad died on early Tuesday in sleep after a massive cardiac arrest.
7. kerala high court has quashed govt order on new self-financing colleges
8. China confirmed that its air craft carrier as for the first time conducted drills in the South China Sea with a formation of other warships and fighter jets, a move that could raise concern among its neighbours
9. Laxmipathy balaji to be the KKRS new bowling coach.
10. Mithili raj will lead a 14 member Indian squad to the ICC women’s world cup qualifiers to be held in Colombo from feb 3
11. A great school education challenge ahead : by 2020 India have the world’s largest working population-869 millions but an India spent analysis of indicators of literacy, school enrolment, learning outcomes and education spreading over the four states with 43.6% of India’s school age population between the ages of 5 and 14 –revealed that India is unprepared to educate and train its young population. Overall India’s literacy rate has increased 8.66 % points to 74.04% between 2001 and 2011 according to census data.
The crises in education is especially apparent in the four bimaru states of Bihar, MP, UP, Rajasthan with 445.1 million of India’s 1.2 billion population. Bihar has literacy rate of 61.8 Rajasthan 67.1, UP 67.7, MP 70.6 whereas Kerala has the literacy rate of 94% which is the highest in the country.
Bimaru states spend less on education than their more literate counter parts. For instance MP spends Rs 11927 on student, tamilnadu 16917 on a student and the least spending state is Bihar 5298. Increase of the literacy rate mostly depends on parents. Overall   in India children from rich families are more likely to be enrolled in school than children from poor families but this gap is greater in UP and Bihar.

We hope this series help you get what you look at different sources but could not get. The snapshot will be helpful to all. share it with your friends and other defense aspirants. Follow us here and subscribe for email notification for latest updates in your inbox. For any queries visit our Contact us section. Happy reading!!

SSB Vision

About the Author:

Dinesh is from Vizianagaram and  am pursuing Btech in Mvgr college of engineering in the stream of electrical engineering. He is passionate towards the armed forces and want to become an officer in forces. He is interested in playing games and also wants to spend some time in social work. He believes in NO PAIN NO GAIN and wants to see himself in respectable position.

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