
Thursday, 5 March 2015

Know your selection centers for defense forces

Let’s know about the various centers that are there for the selection of various forces. These centers are allotted on random basis to the aspirants and one need to report to the allocated center. There happens two rounds and the one selected on day 1 are called screen in while the rest people not selected on this day are called screened out. They need to return then and there to respective places while remaining people move ahead for stage 2 where they are subject to various tests for 4 days. Those people who are selected for stage 2 are called conference in / recommended and they move to stage 3 for medicals. While the remaining are called conference out and they return their home again.  Finally those who clear medical are subject to be called for training in respective academies if their name comes in merit. So aspirants, the reduction process is very stringent as there is limited number of seats.
The following are the various centers for all the forces:

 Indian army

Allahabad, UP
Selection Center East (SCE)
Bhopal, MP
Selection Center Central (SCC)
Bangalore, KA
Selection Center South (SCS)
Ropar, PB (Proposed)
Selection Center North  (SCN)

  Indian Navy

Bhopal , MP
Bangalore, KA
12 SSB , SCS
Vishakhapatnam , AP
NSB Vishakhapatnam
Coimbatore, TN
NSB , Agrani

 Indian Air force

Dehradun, UK
Mysore, KA
Ghandhinagar, GJ
Varanasi, UP
Kolkata, WB

Know your centre’s well before going there and perform your level best. The performance anyway does not depend only on center as all the centers have been designed separately keeping the competency level same. All the tasks, pictures or the other things one get at the center differs from the other so that the information is not reused and no one is benefited. Also this is done so that fresher’s and repeaters have any benefit over one other. Every precaution is taken to avoid wrong decision because the person selected here for officer’s post has huge responsibility on one’s shoulder, so prepare accordingly and keep yourself updated with the latest happenings at the blog. You can contact me for any other information needed in this regard. It would be a pleasure to help the future officers. Post comments in case of doubts.

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