
Saturday, 7 March 2015

Women Day Special : Are they really celebrating?

Some one has rightly said that, "Women is the symbol of power , God's finest and beautiful creation without whom no creation is possible " .  Each year we are celebrating women day on March 8 but is it really living up-to the expectations. Are women still given equal status to their male counterparts? Are they seen equal in society? Are we really celebrating Women day in India with the real essence for which the idea was propagated? Making a day specially for the women is a good idea but they should also accept that they have been given that standard where they can happily celebrate the day. In Indian context if you will hear views of different generation the data could be shocking enough. Still major population feels that they are the ones who have to take care of household chores only, why do they need to move out to prove their equality with the men. Men had been superior and would always be. Few channel also showed that people still believe that if something wrong happens with the women men are not to be blamed its only women who are responsible for it. 

On one side we talk of equality and on the other we say that women don't even have the freedom to wear clothes of their choice. A recent documentary that was released by a reputed channel on the nirbhaya case showcased the mindset of people. But fault lies within us as since ancient times the mindset has been where we considered women inferior and the same is prevailing in modern times. In India situation is pathetic where the birth of the girl child is not even celebrated and at few places there is problem of women infanticide. But in my view women can only give the credit of their upliftment to themselves as they had the courage to come out and match their male counterparts with strong will and determination.They were the ones who are taking care of motherhood, they can manage office well, they can take care of family also. They can do multitasking better than men but still where are we lacking that we cannot change the mindset.

This day marks the importance of women in everyone's life and forces us to remember their contribution and the pain they have taken for us. This day is important so that we can do introspection of the society and we still need to change a lot. this day is just an honor for our women where we try to recognize their efforts and the contribution they have made for our growth. We should never think that the two gender are different , once we talk of equality it should reflect clearly in our actions as well. So lets take a pledge that we will implement the changes in our thinking, we will change our mindset and women day will not only be updated on our profiles in social media but it will change our heart and we will respect this gender more and will give them the status that they deserve. This topic is very close to my heart and i tried to express my views. I would love to hear the views of my reader in the comment section so that we can learn from the fruitful discussion.


  1. I have tried to express my views , i would like to hear the views of aspirants as this can be one of the important topics for GD/ Lecturete in upcoming SSB's.

  2. Shekhar Tanwar8 March 2015 at 00:27

    good article

  3. Shekhar Tanwar8 March 2015 at 01:12

    So true, Women today not only stand shoulder to shoulder with men, but in some spheres are well ahead of them. The modern women is no longer bounded by the boundaries of her household chores, she has taken up the responsibilities which society once believed were meant only for men.From Sports to Science, Politics to Defense she has emerged to the top positions. Personalities like Saniya Nehwal, Serina Williams, Kalpana Chawala, Sunita Williams, Hillary Clinton, Sushma Swaraj,Pooja Thankur are living legends and examples of what women are capable of doing and achieving, once they set their eyes on it. They are at positions which many only dream to achieve. Now this may sound all good and pleasant. But is every woman given the chance to perform which she deserves? Is she treated equally as compared to her male counterparts? Is she truly safe while working? Is she looked at with respect in the society?these questions are still the elephant in the room. In my point of view, women are capable of doing everything which her male counterpart are capable of doing. But sadly she is not given enough chance to perform. Why is it that our country is still developing while the western countries have developed? It is majorly because they have realised that only men can't drive their country, women had to play their part as well. Today, a woman in India faces the consistent and ever increasing problem of crime against her, as a result she fears to go out at night, work in night shifts and explore her full potential. A major reason behind these crimes is the mind set of the people.For some men she is only a sex object, they have no value or respect for her, which the recent documentry released clearly shows. In my point of view this all can be changed only if the roots of the coming generations are made strong enough to not let them do anything immoral,somethign which makes them think twice before doing anythign wrong. And that something would be the moral values he has. Parents ,teachers , the elder members of the society should and must instill in children the moral values, and the importance of a good character and the need to respect everyone. Its only after these values would be taught, that these children would grow up to be responsible citizens who would look at the fairer sex with respect ,and instead of harassing or molesting her, would help her out in need. The society would be full of people who would no longer be spectators to the crime a woman faces. The direct result of which would be that women wouldn't have to worry about their safety anymore and would be able to perform to their true potential, and the country would truly be set on a path of development.

  4. Women r nations assset,if u save them as ur sister they yield good nation integration development...i surely not believe women has equal power of men...they have power more tn men...if u educate a women,it's not only useful to her,it surely useful to her educate them,save them,respect their power ....

  5. The very fact that Women's Day is celebrated with greater fanfare compared to the Men's Day highlights the sorry state of women in our society. This re-emphasises the fact that there is a lot of work that has to be done for uplifting the status of women in the society. Instead of celebrating this day with hollow talks ( which last for a day only) from people who themselves may or may not stand for women or indulging in unnecessary gala and gaiety, it's high time that people actual make changes at the grassroot level. Women should be treated at par with men whether it is workplace or home, remuneration should not be decided based on gender in any industry and women should be given the freedom to enjoy their womanhood each and every day, which is not a curse instead a blessing. Are we actually taking any actions in that respect? This is a question that we still need to ponder on.
