
Monday, 31 August 2015

How to perform well in Self-Description round of psychology at SSB?

In SD one is expected to appraise him or her based on certain situations. You will be expected to write what you think about yourself, what your parents, teachers, friends, boss etc. think about you and what can be your strength and weakness. The time provided for this exercise is 15 minutes and let me clarify that this is the most important exercise of all the four because here you tell the assessors what you have.
Tips to excel:
·         Here you yourself are expected to tell a lot about yourself so be alert in writing things as they must be shown at other places, so knowing oneself is of prime importance before preparing this round.
·         This exercise is an easy one also as the similar nature of things are being asked every time so it can be prepared well beforehand with help of experts. Guidance if taken should be one to one individual preparation where the expert spends lot of time in understanding your personality rather than telling common things in a large group.
·         Don’t try to copy these things from others as you as an individual are very much different from others so how can feeling of parents, teacher, boss etc, be same for you.
·         Enjoy knowing your personality, the real you through this process as SSB are known for that and while preparing do spend a lot of time in knowing rather than practicing and copying from different resources.
The sample for this exercise is just a snapshot of how things need to be written. It’s neither to be reproduced in similar fashion by anyone not to be used as it is. Just try to gauge the way and use it to your benefit. In this set I am only showing sample of how to write what my parents think about you. Other things will be covered in other set of this series.

Click here to read: Greek crisis - Flashback
Also read: How to write good SRT in psychology round of SSB?

Sample set:

“My parents feel that I am obedient. They say that I’m sincere towards my studies. They also say that I’m determined about my aim and they point out that I do not focus much on the work which I am not fond of. They feel that I have my own principles on which I always stand. They suggest me not to focus only on one aim but to focus on all the opportunities available to me.”


Hope these samples will help the aspirants in real time and would provide them a way to attempt psychology which actually can be a stepping stone for your selection towards your dream job. Still If you have any confusion or anything is not clear or feel to take individual assessment of personality for OLQ’s or prepare from your place itself through one to one interaction through my mentoring / counselling program drop me a mail at  or add me on Fb and drop in a personal message. It would be a pleasure to help and resolve queries and clear doubts of future officers. Achieving goal is rather easy if a right guidance is available as it helps in guided preparation and one can easily achieve what they want. Every one of us have the OLQ’s but people go wrong in an initial step only to understand oneself and reveal that properly. Since one do not spend time in this they get trapped by the wrong teachings given at various places and in larger chunk of people their personality is lost. Work and act rightly. The journey is easy and swift for your goal. Keep reading for more such sets and solutions.

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Hope you liked the tips that are presented in a simple way . Hope it helps you in achieving your dream soon. For all other worries we are there to solve your queries. Do share it with your friends and other defense aspirants. Also follow us here and subscribe for email notification.

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