
Tuesday, 22 March 2016

SSB Lecturette Series: IRNSS - Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System

Today with the advent of new technology showing independence, is one way of marking our presence in the international arena & India has achieved this by the sincere hard work of our prestigious organization ISRO (Indian space research organisation). After the major breakthrough of MOM (mars orbiter operation) one of the cheapest (approx. 450 crore) mars mission in the world in the very first attempt India is now ready to have its own Indian navigation system “IRNSS”. 
It is like adding one more feather to the cap because now India is no more dependent on GPS (global positioning system) of USA .As India has marked its presence internationally by clubbing with the few nation list having their own navigation system.At present only four world  power have their own global navigation satellite system viz. GPS(USA), GLONASS(Russia), GALELIO(Europe), BEIDOU(China)  and now its fifth emerging nation India with its own navigation satellite system “IRNSS” which shows that India is emerging as technologically developed nation intern providing technological strength to the nation. 

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IRNSS (series 1a to 1f) is an indigenously developed Navigation Satellite system that is used to provide accurate real-time positioning and timing services over India and region extending to 1500 km around India. The fully deployed IRNSS system consists of 3 satellites in GEO (GEOSTATIONARY) orbit and 4 satellites in GSO(GEOSYNCHRONOUS) orbit launched with the help of PSLV(POLAR SATELLITE LAUNCH VEHICLE) , approximately 36,000 km altitude above earth surface. However, the full system comprises nine satellites, including two on the ground as stand-by. 
The requirement of such a navigation system is driven because access to foreign government-controlled GPS  is not guaranteed in hostile situations, as happened to the Indian military depending on American GPS during the Kargil War. Apart from general purpose consumer usage, GPS cannot be utilised by a country as large as India. India has no control over GPS and if it is not accessible (due to a large number of possibilities), all processes or people relying on the same would find themselves helpless. The IRNSS would provide two services, with the Standard Positioning Service open for civilian use, and the Restricted Service (an encrypted one) for authorized users (including the military).

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            IRNSS would have seven satellites, out of which six are already placed in orbit. The constellation of seven satellites is expected to operate from June 2016 onwards.
             It’s not an exaggeration if we say India is heading rapidly from the tag of developing to the developed nation by advancing in the field of space technology. Our scientists are striving hard to achieve the best & very much dedicated for the nation growth in all area provided that there should not be reluctance in the annual budget for the research .This way more & more newcomers or young aspirants will be attracted towards respective field (space & others) & strive sincerely hard day & night for the technological advancement of the nation & this is the need of hour.
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About the Author:
Shubham Singh is from Chhattisgarh and has completed electronics and telecommunication engineering from a Government engineering college. He is a voracious reader and always prefer to keep himself updated to all the technological advancement happening around the world. He believes in the thought “Mastering in one and jack of all”.

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