
Saturday, 19 March 2016

SSB Study Material with Solution Set - SRT

Thought of starting a new series where we will provide sample of the things being asked at SSB. In this solution set we will consider majorly the psychology round which consists of four rounds. Along with the sample solutions we will provide tips to perform well in SSB psychology as lot of aspirants have dropped me a mail regarding the same. 

Psychology has a well-defined parameter and expectations from the aspirants. Psychology is an area where there is no fixed answer for anything. Everything is judged as per personality attempting the question set. So never try to copy the similar responses as that can actually backfire. The actual process of psychology preparation consists of doing self-introspection first which consists of  studying the life events with respect to OLQ’s and tracing based on this the strength and weakness . When one is completely aware of the personality of theirs they are ready to reflect the same in psychology or whatever they do at SSB. This exercise is really very crucial and needs a lot of effort, time and expertise to know the complete self. Here only individual guidance becomes handy. So let’s begin the discussion. The Psychology has the following four rounds:

In this article we will concentrate on SRT.
Round 3: SRT-
It consists of 60 SRT that are being provided to the aspirant in a booklet and the time available is 30 minutes so there is not much time in hand and it is expected to write what an aspirant will do in a particular situation as presented in the sheet. The following tips can help in attempting the situation.
Tips to excel:
·         Write short and to the point responses for the given situation.
·         Never try to act like a superhero be and officer only.
·         Always put yourself in place of hero and write the response.
·         Don’t write socially acceptable responses as you might be caught at this point by the psychologist as they are expert in doing that.
·         Your image of qualities extracted by the psychologist should match with all the three assessors and the original you then only recommendation is possible.
·         Immediate action is desirable rather than futuristic stories.
Let’s now see the type of situations that will be given to you and the action that you can write. Remember here also that there are no fixed responses and can change with the change in personality but that should match with your image and the original you. Rest of the tips will be covered in the upcoming series.

Sample set:
  1. You are playing in your friend's house, when he gets stuck with a naked electric wire. You would – switch off the mains, take him to hospital.
  2. You are living in a college hostel. The dal served to you in the mess has a lot of stones. What would you do – complained to manager.
  3. In order to help poor he has keen desire. To have good collection of money, what he should do. – open NGO and conduct shows for charity.
  4. You are travelling by bus engine catches fire. You. – evacuated the bus and put off the fire. 
  5. In order to produce better results in his organization what measures he should take. – Effective and stress free learning.
  6. He was going for the SSB and on the way he saw a person seriously injured and nobody was there to help him .He. – helped him, took to hospital, and informed in his home.
  7. He was playing out door and his brother got seriously injured and it started to rain heavily. He. – took him to hospital by car.
  8. You are serving under two senior officers who always give conflicting orders. -  brought it to notice of senior most officer.
  9. Your bathroom tap is leaking and is a constant source of irritating noise. You would – repair it on my own.
  10. You heard rumours that enemy is likely to attack the country. As a serving soldier what u do. – will be ready to neutralize the attack.
Click here to know SSB Preparation through Mentorship program
Click here to read: Start up India - Stand up India Campaign
Also read: Detailed study of Officer Like Qualities (OLQ) in officer 

Hope these samples will help the aspirants in real time and would provide them a way to attempt psychology which actually can be a step stone for your selection towards your dream job. Still If you have any confusion or anything is not clear or feel to take individual assessment of personality for olq’s or prepare from your place itself through one to one interaction through my mentoring / counselling program drop me a mail at or add me on Fb and drop in a personal message. It would be a pleasure to help and resolve queries and clear doubts of future officers. Achieving goal is rather easy if a right guidance is available as it helps in guided preparation and one can easily achieve what they want. Every one of us have the OLQ’s but people go wrong in a initial step only to understand oneself and reveal that properly. Since one do not spend time in this they get trapped by the wrong teachings given at various places and in larger chunk of people their personality is lost. Work and act rightly. The journey is easy and swift for your goal. Keep reading for more such sets and solutions.


  1. What are the socially acceptable responses??

    1. these category of responses are usually the ones tht people prefer writing to impress others but such responses have short table life and leads to rejection of candidates

    2. You are serving under two senior officers who always give conflicting orders. - brought it to notice of senior most officer.

      Above mentioned is your answer sir.

      Can we also write -

      Will try to obey both on priority basis.

    3. No the possibility for this answer to be correct is low

  2. The answer must be" will obey their order"

  3. And officers order are never conflicting one so no need to worry about that as it will enhance your qualities.

    1. but in giving answer one cannot negate the condition mentioned in the question. Please keep that in mind while answering psychology
