Finally the wait is over for the
defense aspirants for Indian army. Though the cutoff has been increased for
TGC-121 entry this time and it was disheartening for many aspirants. But I am
sure after seeing the list for SSC -(T)-45 many aspirants will be happy to see
their names in the list as this is the first hurdle and after their names and
center is allotted they are one step closer to their dream destination. This
entry is usually for the Short service commissioning with the Indian army. Once
the person is selected and issued the joining letter they are called for
training to the OTA- Chennai and after commissioning they are allowed to serve
for 14 years. there might be an extension in service based on service
requirements and performance of the officer.
Tuesday, 28 April 2015
SSB Lecturette Series: Is Internet Eating our Childhood?
With the development
of Internet in CERN labs the world
saw a revolution. Things started changing instantly, letters were replaced by
emails, and phone calls with video calls and the revolution never stopped
rather only grew. It is true to say that internet has made the life of mankind
much easier, we no longer have to wait in lines to book seats for our journey,
or go to stores to buy grocery for homes, everything is just a click away. But
there is other side to the coin as well. With more number of people using
internet on a daily basis the life of these individuals is getting affected in
both good and bad ways. As for adults internet has been nothing less than a blessing,
as it makes their work easier and helps in running businesses, for the children
its somewhat something else. Children today unlike the previous generations are
very different.
Monday, 27 April 2015
SSB Lecturette Series: Valentine's Day, Is it Love or Commercialization
Love is the most precious thing, it is the gift of God which is used to
make the peoples closer and make them one.
February, the love
season is for all who are in love. This romantic month of the year is for the
celebration of valentine day. Firstly, it started in foreign countries, but now
it’s a tradition to celebrate in India also and the youngsters are very much involve
in celebrating Valentine’s Day. On Feb 14, Valentine day celebrate the bond of
love and affection between the couples. Valentine day is also celebrated as the
most popular day to express your feelings your beloved.
Saturday, 25 April 2015
SSB GD series: Will India Ever Make It To International Football?
With a population of
more than 1 Billion the country should be among the top players in the world. However we are not even in the top players
in Asia. Ranked 147th in
the FIFA world cup ranking, the Indian Football has only and continue to
see bad days since it first started to play football. In the initial days of
the game India was invited to play in the FIFA world cup, but due to the
players playing bare feet and travelling all the way through sea, AIFA (All India Football Association)
rejected the offer, an opportunity they should never have missed.
Friday, 24 April 2015
Ten Tips to crack SSB
Yes!!You can Crack
the SSB Interview and Join the Armed Forces
The only thing that
separates people who succeed in the SSB and those who fail is that the failures
did not prepare for the SSB.
This article lists down certain
elements which are essential to show at SSB and it also mentions the rounds
which will check that particular element. As we all know there are three rounds
in SSB namely psychology, Personal interview ad the ground taks. The following
are the simple tips to crack the SSB:
Thursday, 23 April 2015
General Awareness Series: INDO-CHINA RELATION - Part 2
In part 1 of this series we saw a detailed analysis of the relationship between the two giant countries. How it started and how it got good or worsened. Lets see the rest part of the story.
In 1978, the Indian Minister of External Affairs Atal Bihari Vajpayee made a landmark visit to Beijing, and
both nations officially re-established diplomatic relations in 1979 result being
the PRC modified its pro-Pakistan stand on Kashmir and appeared willing to remain silent
on India's absorption of Sikkim and its special advisory relationship with Bhutan and the Mount Kailash and Mansarovar
lake in Tibet, the mythological home of the Hindu pantheon, were opened to annual pilgrimages.
General Awareness Series: INDO-CHINA RELATION - Part 1
Critical Analysis of Indo - China relationship
China and India are two of the world’s oldest civilizations
and have co-existed in peace for centuries. Cultural and economic relations between China and India date back to
ancient times. The Silk
Road not
only served as a major trade route between India and China, but was also the reason for the spread of Buddhism from India to East Asia.
Wednesday, 22 April 2015
What are the hindrances in getting SCREEN IN at SSB : Part 2
In the previous part 1 of this series we saw how screening is conducted
and how the things done at that level. Also since there is more number of
assessors aspirants should be assured that there might be no evaluation error
and three assessors are kept so that this error could be minimized. Now how to
improve the performance at screening so that selection could be ensured. There
are many factors that are being judged at screening rounds. Remember that
though 15 OLQ's are being judged at SSB here only the potential to show that
there is a will to be an Indian defense force officer can ensure selection. The aspirants might be thinking that how can showing of a blurred picture, writing story,
doing GD reveal that. Please remember that SSB is a scientifically designed
process where things happen like this only so these things will bring out your
qualities that are based on perception.
Tuesday, 21 April 2015
General Awareness Series: New weapon fleet for Indian defense forces
With more focus
on indigenous development of weapons the
Indian Army is setting new records each year by adding to its weapons arsenal
some serious weapons. Weapons which send a clear message that we are in no way
behind our counterparts. Some of the latest weapons included in the Indian Army
are as follows:
1) Dhanush
artillery guns:
the Bofors scandal, and many companies trying to take the contract for development
of artillery guns by unfair and corrupt means ,the DRDO 155 mm artillery gun
project was started by India so as to produce indigenous developed artillery
guns which could meet the requirements of the Indian army. The home made gun is
made with a strike range of 38 kilometers. It can operate in three different
SSB Lecturette Series: Net Neutrality
is net neutrality?
Net neutrality is an idea which came from how telephone lines have worked in past.
In case of a telephone line, you can dial any number and connect to it. It does
not matter if you are calling from operator A to operator B. It doesn't matter
if you are calling a restaurant or a drug dealer. The operators neither block
the access to a number nor deliberately delay connection to a particular
number, unless forced by the law. Most of the countries have rules that ask telecom operators to provide an unfiltered
and unrestricted content.
Monday, 20 April 2015
What are the hindrances in getting SCREEN IN at SSB : Part 1
Screening is the main stage where
major elimination takes place in SSB. It’s a first day round which have OIR and
PPDT as the rounds conducted on the aspirants where they are assessed and
checked for the initial OLQ’s and the potential to be an officer. The written
test checks the basic aptitude and the PPDT tests the individual performance
along with the group performance. Though all the rounds look simple but they
actually test a lot which aspirants don’t realise. Also a point to note is that
the number of assessors involved in screening is more than any of the other
rounds of SSB, there in other rounds you will have only one assessor evaluating
on different parameters while at screening you will see three assessors
evaluating you .So there is no scope of mistake in assessment, be assured for
Sunday, 19 April 2015
SSB Lecturette Series: Crime against Women
There is no doubt
that India is now on the top in the list of the developing countries .The
economic rate is increasing rapidly & also the GDP rate which is 5.7
recently .On the other hand, women had to fight for over a decades to get even
their basic rights, like the right to vote, though the Constitution of India
gave equality to both men and women from the beginning. Unfortunately, women in
this country are mostly unaware of their
rights because of illiteracy and the society where she is living. Names
like Kalpana Chawla: born in India,
who fought her way up into NASA and was the first women to reach space, Indira Gandhi: The Iron Woman of India
was the Prime Minister of the Nation, Beauty Queens like Aishwarya Rai and Susmita Sen, and Mother Teresa Who end her life
supporting others for the noble cause.
Saturday, 18 April 2015
SSB GD Series: Is America and Russia on the verge of Another Cold War?
Critical Analysis of the changing relationship between the giant countries
1 Scene 1:
23rd Feb 2014- 19th
March, 2014, Russia seizes control of Crimea. Republic of Crimea is declared
with the intention of joining Russia. A vote out occurs with 96% in support of
grouping with Russia.
1 Scene 2:
The Crimean Admiral defects to the Russian side,
only followed by half of Ukranian military posted in the area.
Friday, 17 April 2015
General Awareness Series: Prime Minister’s Recent Visit To France
Analyzing the Prime Minister’s Visit
To France
With an aim to give a big push to Make in India Policy
Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently visited France. The four day visit by the PM involved various dealings keeping in mind
the Indian scenario. It was a major move by India to strengthen the ties with
France. Lets look at some of the key
features of the India France deal.
Tuesday, 14 April 2015
SSB Lecturette Series: YEMEN Crisis - Part 2
The growing power and aggression of the Houthi’s is the new threat in
the peninsular region. Yemen's President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi asked the UN Security Council to
back military action by "willing countries" against the Houthi
rebels. In a letter, he requested a resolution authorizing immediate support for "the
legitimate authority by all means" against the advancing rebels.
SSB Lecturette Series: YEMEN Crisis - Part 1
Critical analysis of the happenings at Yemen
Yemen, officially known as the Republic
of Yemen is an Arab country
in Southwest Asia,
occupying the southwestern to southern end of
the Arabian Peninsula. It is
bordered by Saudi Arabia to
the north, the Red Sea to
the west, the Gulf of Aden and Arabian Sea to
the south, and Oman to the east. For much of the 20th Century, Yemen
existed as two separate countries - the Yemen
Arab Republic (YAR) in the north and the
People's Democratic Republic of Yemen (PDRY) in the south. In 1990, the
countries chose to unify and create the Republic of Yemen.
Monday, 13 April 2015
Indian Army: The Parachute Regiment and the Special Forces - Part 2
In part 1 of this series we saw description about the Paras and other special forces, their need and why they were brought up. In this part we will see what magic these forces can do and how Success is always theirs.
of Para commandos
During the 1965 war
with Pakistan, Lt Col Megh Singh formed a commando unit, from volunteers all
across the Infantry Units. The commando unit performed well and with the
government’s clearance a commando unit was to be established in the Army.
However to be trained first in parachute training the unit was moved to
Parachute Regiment, and formed the 9th Battalion. The unit was later
divided into 9th and 10th Commando units.
Indian Army: The Parachute Regiment and the Special Forces - Part 1
The Airborne Regiment of the Indian Army
also known as the Parachute Regiment first came into existence on 29th October 1941. The
regiment was named 50 Independent Parachute Brigade, and comprised
of 151 British, 152 Indian and 153 Gurkha Parachute Battalions. After India
Achieved Independence the Battalions were divided among the Indian and the
Pakistani Army. The 50th and the 77th Parachute Brigade
remained on the Indian Sides whereas the 14th Parachute Brigade went
to the Pakistani side. The 77th Parachute regiment was later
disbanded and in 1952 new Parachute regiments were included to strengthen the
Parachute Regiment section of the Indian Armed Forces.
SSB Lecturette Series: Social Media Is Eating Up The Real Conversation
February 4th,
2004. The day Facebook came into existence. This day marked a history in the
area of social networking. There were other social networking sites but none
had been as popular as this one. It took the internet by storm and soon spread
to the whole world. It was an addiction like none other; teenagers were mostly impacted by this internet phenomenon. The
concept started with sending out friend requests to each other, and then
millions of texts to each other. With new additions every day, it became more
and more appealing. Soon “The Wall” came up, people could write up stuff on
each other’s page, “liking” and “commenting “ became a new thing. It all just
seemed so fancy, having more friends in the friend list having cool profile
pictures and cover photos and more number of followers. It became like a mission
for some to be more popular online. But sadly there is another side to this
coin as well.
Sunday, 12 April 2015
Ten Tips every SSB Aspirant must follow
There have been a lot of topics on GD and lecturette on our blog where different mentees of mine and other aspirants are helping spread a word for aspirants to succeed in their goal of serving the nation. I have been seeing a lot of myths in and around the internet and knowing that majority of people seek guidance through this mode I thought of sharing quick tips of success at SSB. SSB is all together a different method of examination where one is assessed psychologically of whatever he or she do in different forms and then they are recommended for the Indian defense forces. So certain things that you should essentially follow are mentioned. See where you score out of 10 here !!
Saturday, 11 April 2015
Critical Analysis of Section 66A of IT Act / Freedom of speech
Freedom of Speech-
when mentioned anywhere, imparts a thrill in our guts. The rebel, sleeping in
our subconscious awakens immediately and advocates for absolute freedom of
speech. In this era of Social Media , expressing your views openly takes no
time. But what is its impact on the masses is a matter of great concern. This
ideology explains the need of some law on the freedom of expression. Section
66A of IT Act is one of the laws formed in 2000 and later amended in 2008.
What is Section 66A of the IT Act?
Section 66A defines the punishment for sending
“offensive” messages through a computer or any other communication device like
a mobile phone or a tablet. A conviction can fetch a maximum of three years in
jail and a fine.
Friday, 10 April 2015
SSB Lecturette series: Religion and Politics should not be mixed
times we all heard that religious and Politics should not be mixed and kept
separate which is a common feeling in India of educated group. Usually People
are afraid that if Politicians subscribe to a particular religion, they will
suppress follower of other religion. There have been examples of such kind of
atrocities in the past where clash had been taken place between politics and
religion... This is understood to be the chief cause of fear in the minds of
people who support keeping religion & Politics apart.
SSB GD Topics : New Land Acquisition Bill - Good or Bad
Critical Analysis of the Bill
Land Acquisition Is
acquiring the land from the land owners by central or state government for
development of infrastructure and growth of economy. Several controversies have
arisen that the land owners have not been adequately compensated. On February 25, 2015
Birendra Singh Chaudhary, Rural development Minister of India introduced new
Land Acquisition bill and Rehabilitation and Resettlement (Amendment) Bill,
2015 in the LokSabha.
Earlier Land
acquisition in India was governed by “The
Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation
and Resettlement Act 2013”, which came into force from 1 January 2014.Till
2013, land acquisition in India, was governed by “Land Acquisition Act of 1894 ".
Thursday, 9 April 2015
SSB GD Series: Is it time for Dhoni to Retire?
December 23, 2004
India was playing against Bangladesh, a Ranchi born boy came on the first time
on the batting side and the rest is history. That Ranchi born boy became the
captain of the Indian Cricket team. People know him by the name Mahi, MS, MSD, Thala, Captain
Cool, but for most he’s just Dhoni.
Wednesday, 8 April 2015
SSB GD Topic: Hard Work Verses Smart Work
Since our childhood, we have been listening
that hard work is the key to success. This used to be a very correct statement
of that time, but since change is the law of nature , a change is required in
each and every aspect of our life also .This required change have turned down
the tagline of Hard work is the key to
success to Smart work is the key to success. Let us first understand the
relation between hard work and smart work.
Smart work is the upgraded version of hard
work. Smart work can be considered as an easy way to do hard work. Yeas, hard
work can be done in a much easy manner and that manner is known as Smart work.
It compromises of few steps which when taken care of and properly executed
makes any work easy.
Tuesday, 7 April 2015
SSB Lecturette series: ISIS - A threat to Humanity : Part 2
In part 1 of this series we saw the background of this and the Iraq side of the story. Here lets move and complete the picture by seeing the story on the other side.
Side of story
leader Abu –Bakr al-Baghdadi, the man who made this monster was a jihadist and
during the American invasion of Iraq was arrested on unclear charges, after six
months of Jail time he was freed, he then joined Al Qaeda in Iraq. How Baghdadi
was different is that he caught what the top men in Al Qaeda missed. He saw the
need to unite the tribes’ men on both sides of the Iraq Syria border. His
policies were further escalated when after the breakout of the civil war in Syria,
the Syrian president Bashar al –Assad slaughtered Sunnis.
SSB Lecturette series: ISIS - A threat to Humanity : Part 1
Critical analysis of ISIS
This is the latest happening and has been in international forum for long so i thought of presenting this topic for the peer aspirants. This can be an important topic for GD or lecturette for the upcoming SSB, so first of all lets see the flow of events that happened under this name:
This is the latest happening and has been in international forum for long so i thought of presenting this topic for the peer aspirants. This can be an important topic for GD or lecturette for the upcoming SSB, so first of all lets see the flow of events that happened under this name:
September 11, 2001
- Taliban destroyed the Two Towers and the Pentagon, killing thousands of
innocent who didn't even know why they were killed, leaving children orphaned,
widowed husbands , widowed wives, old parents who wouldn't be able to see their
son or daughter again. The tragedy left USA and the whole world in the state of
Trauma. Security forces were alerted all over the world.
26 – 30 July, 2009
– Boko Haram an Islamist group carried out a massive strike on Maiduguri,
Borno, Nigeria. Clashes occurred between the police forces and the militant
group. The result? A 100 dead bodies in the police station. Army intervened;
roads were filled with blood, roughly 700 died. With time did the violence
stopped? Did the group perished? Sadly, No, it had only grown stronger.
Motivational Series: LET's FACE IT !!!!
is better to be failure at something you love than to be success at something
you hate
"No man ever achieved
worth-while success who did not, at one time or other; find himself with at
least one foot hanging well over the brink of failure." Napoleon Hill
If you can afford to pay the time in reading
this...hopefully everyone can connect with this and inspire to be a Leader
ahead in his/her life..If you really like it not only read and forgot away,
instead Pen it down and put in front of ahead in life with full
As with this group I love sharing things as we are a
family as a home away from Home. And so I feel to connect with you all.. Stay
Reading, Stay healthy, & fit & let Wisdom come from all sides...
Monday, 6 April 2015
SSC (T) - 45 center allotment list released for Indian Army
Finally the wait is over for the defense aspirants for Indian army. Though the cutoff has been increased for TGC-121 entry this time and it was disheartening for many aspirants. But i am sure after seeing the list for SSC -(T)-45 many aspirants will be happy to see their names in the list as this is the first hurdle and after their names and center is allotted they are one step closer to their dream destination. This entry is usually for the Short service commissioning with the Indian army. Once the person is selected and issued the joining letter they are called for training to the OTA- Chennai and after commissioning they are allowed to serve for 14 years. there might be an extension in service based on service requirements and performance of the officer.
![]() |
Get ready for this academy |
Sunday, 5 April 2015
Difference between AFSB and other SSB
With the outcome of the results of AFCAT there has been a ripple in the pool of aspirants and lot of queries are arising suddenly. I had been receiving multiple mails related to various queries and i have been personally trying to address them, but some of the queries are common so thought of using this medium to answer those queries. AFCAT is the exam that is held twice a year for the aspirants and this is the gateway to the SSB and earning the wings of air-force officers. Though Air force take through other entry schemes also but this is the major gateway for all the aspirants. This time the cutoff has been kept low and air-force authorities have shortlisted near about ten thousand aspirants for different entries cumulatively including technical, pilot, and ground/ administrative duties. These shortlisted candidates will now be called for AFSB which is the air force selection board where they will be under testing for five days and few luck aspirants would be recommended by various boards for their dreams to come true.
Thursday, 2 April 2015
What to do after clearing AFCAT ?
First of all I would like to congratulate who are among the ten thousand aspirants who have made through the stage one of selection for the Indian Air force officers. The nest step is to be taken immediately. I have been receiving a lot of queries in selection of AFSB center and other such queries so i thought of solving those queries collectively through this forum. The immediate next step is selecting a date and a center for AFSB. Also read :
Which AFSB Center to select and when to schedule AFSB?
First of all I would like to congratulate the defense aspirants who have cleared the AFCAT exam and their numbers are appearing in the list released by the Indian air force. They have cleared the first hurdle and are among the ten thousand aspirants shortlisted by the Air-force head quarters for the next step. I have been receiving multiple queries from aspirants about AFCAT clearing and selection of SSB Centers.Aspirants are asking different types of queries which are summarized below:
SSB GD Topic : Today's Media is Good or Bad ?
Critical analysis of role of media in changing times
What is media?
Media are the collective
communication that is used to convey or deliver information or data to the
peoples. Media is associate with the communication media or that specializes
communication media like press, cinema, advertising and broadcasting.
Media has played a
very important role in making people understand the meaning of democracy. We
also come to know about the strengths and weaknesses of the economy of our
country, the various problems faced by the nation, achievements of the nation
in different sectors, through the prompt and precise reporting of different
forms of media.
Wednesday, 1 April 2015
AFCAT 1/2015 Results out, Check here
As promised by SSB Vision Team the result would be declared soon and here is that time now. AFCAT is held twice a year and it is the gateway to get the coveted wings of the Indian Air-force. This year the first AFCAT exam was help on 22 February 2015 and all were eagerly waiting for the results. Finally the wait is over and Air-force authorities have published the results. Get ready to see the results. But before that see the severity of the competition aspirants will be facing: